Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thieves to the rescue

Quick is what our weekend looked like...

Cast of charterers

To say the past few days have been rough would be an understatement! Two weekends ago we had some friends over, hi Shawna, and they had just returned from vacation and while on vacation Shawna got the stomach bug. So fast forward to Wednesday her little boy comes down with the same thing and I am still thinking nothing of it when she tells me then Saturday morning bam!! Jake woke up as usual and was laying on the couch when all of a sudden he said he was going to be sick and started heaving and I scooped him up and ran and unfortunately I didn't run fast enough cause our hallway got covered in throw up including myself. Awesome! So the rest of the day was spent cleaning, hugging, washing, rewashing and praying that Hudson wouldn't get sick. Between all of this I was rubbing him down with peppermint oil on his spine and stomach and thieves on the bottom of his feet and rubbing it all over Hudson's feet as well. All while diffusing Thieves in the diffuser in hopes to kill all airborne sickies. Towards the end of the day I had to call the doctor and she called in Zofran cause he couldn't keep anything down so he had a half of a tablet of Zofran and was able to eat a popsicle. So we made it through the night and he woke up brand new. So Monday rolls around and we are all feeling good..or so I thought and we pull up to Hobby Lobby and Hudson all of a sudden starts wimpering, nothing I have heard from him, and he then throws up; milk I might add all over himself and the car. Have I mentioned that I have made it through 4 years of having kids and no throw up!! I know I have been lucky but anywho I start freaking out cause I literally have nothing in the car to clean him up with and Jake is yelling about how bad it smells and how gross it is, while I totally agree with him, I clean Huds up as best I could with a few wipes and we head home and go straight to the shower. So then the rest of the day looked like this

IT.WAS. SO.SAD!!! He laid on the chair and then the floor, wouldn't  speak or move and would throw up then lay back down. So same with Hudson I rubbed peppermint all over his tummy and spine and thieves on his feet. Finally around 8 pm he was showing signs of being better and he was able to eat a popsicle for dinner and drink some water and fell asleep shortly after. I had the monitor up so loud all night in fear he would get sick and he never did and woke up back to his happy self! Whew! Then the terrible task of disinfecting the house top to bottom started but have no fear....Thieves came to the rescue!
One capful of the Thieves cleaner mixed with water and BAM I was able to clean every inch of my house; mirrors, countertops, sinks, toilets, tubs etc. with ONE bottle! So instead of lugging around a bucket of different cleaners I was able to carry one! Plus is was all natural and I didn't smell like I had been cleaning all day which I normally would after cleaning all day. 

So long story short the boys got sick, I used peppermint and thieves on them for relief and thieves cleaner to clean the house and Kevin and I thankfully never got sick and we have a germ free house!! Luckily just in time for the 4th of July festivities!

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